Meet mnngful. Stories for the curious

Three stories are delivered via email to our paying Members throughout a week and one prior announcement, Sunday Preview, is sent to all newsletter subscribers every Sunday.

  • Sunday Preview tells you what's on the menu for the upcoming week.

  • Stories themselves are sent to paying Members only, but also available for a free public preview on the newsfeed. The whole story along with the full archive is available to Members only.

We are starting tomorrow with Sunday Preview announcing the first week of meaningful stories.

Join mnngful as a Member

The monthly Membership fee enables us to develop and maintain the platform, pay authors, writers, and run some promotions ensuring a wide enough outreach for every story we publish. As announced before, we strive to start paying every author as soon as possible and will reach out to every early contributor to arrange a payout, even if they haven't asked for it.

Every Member contributes to the success of the project and supporting featured photographers. We hope you will find it worthwhile.

What and who stands behind?

This project is an individual initiative by Max Zhiltsov, the same way as The Phooks launched in 2019. Right now we have another member, Zak R. Dimitrov, who joined us as a writer — you will see stories accompanied by his foreword very soon.Here I'd add from myself:

I run The Phooks and start mnngful as passion-driven projects that are very different from my "primary" work, a source of income, but united by a similar idea. There I help companies in building IT products, bringing them to market and enabling growth via marketing. Here I apply my skills, invest time and some money in building these platforms to create the good for other people. Somehow I feel I'm paying back to the universe for what it gives to me.

What would be a good "return on investments"? A great project of value that inspires people for something good via photography.

And, of course, I would love to see it financially successful and independent, running a bit above the breakeven point at least. It will require an enormous effort, but still looks possible. We'll see all together.

Thank you for being with us!


We would love to hear from you

Any feedback and ideas are invaluable for us at this phase, and we're truly open for discussion, collaboration ideas.

Right now we would ask you to answer one question in reply to this email:

Is there a photo documentary story you believe we must learn about and feature it in our newsletter?
