Tommy Lee Grimmer: Southtown

Tommy Lee Grimmer is a young photographer based in Great Yarmouth, East England, which is, in fact, the part of the country which is the furthest East. His project Southtown explores his hometown, the area where he grew up, its physical environment and community as well as the change of his perspective from a child to now an adult.

© Tommy Lee Grimmer | Southtown

The text accompanying Southtown is nostalgic and evocative of innocent childhood — Kickpost, a game similar to hide and seek, late nights spent playing outside, missed phone calls from Mother, playgrounds and locations of importance no longer there after unfortunately being demolished, but the memories of sliding through a hole under the fence still live in the photographer’s mind. Those were the days where kids would play on the streets, in the forest, out and about, instead of being stuck indoors in front of their devices clicking buttons and swiping with their fingers.

© Tommy Lee Grimmer | Southtown

The image of hands covered in mud is particularly powerful — remember when we used to get told off by our parents for being too dirty, rolling around in mud, or jumping in puddles?